Soprano Claire DiVizio's wide-ranging repertoire extends from Renaissance madrigals to contemporary opera and encompasses nearly everything in between. more
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From the "Other Side": A Casting Director's Take on Auditions

In the first post in our Auditions series, Claire DiVizio, Executive and Artistic Director of Chicago's Thompson Street Opera Company, shares some valuable insights about auditions from the standpoint of the person doing the casting: what she looks for, what she prioritizes (it isn't what you think), and what turns her off of a singer.

Emily Cox
Emily Cox is a versatile performer who has been seen across the nation in musical theatre, cabaret, opera and solo orchestral works. Her numerous roles ... more
Escrito en en Developing Organizations & Audiences.

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Company On the Move: Thompson Street Opera

Our Developing Organizations and Audiences column features opera companies and producers who are making inroads into non-traditional opera audiences, and creating captivating art in unexpected places. This week, Emily Cox interviews Clare DiVizio, who founded and runs Thompson Street Opera Company in Chicago, Illinois — a company committed to the performance of new and exciting works never before seen by opera audiences.